Thursday, 27 September 2012

Task 1 - Creative Industries

  • identify and explain 5 reasons why you chose to study on this programme.
I chose to study on this course because originally I thought it would push me and force me to produce a result worthy of £3.200. I didn't want to come to university for the experience alone for obvious reasons.

I know the Graphics Design course at LCA has a good reputation which means a lot in the creative industry. I wanted the best chance of getting a job after graduation.

I was impressed with the facility's in LCA. I think its important to have enough space to practice Graphic Design, print resource and Mac suits are useful too.

I thought the staff at could that were mentioned sounded well qualified and had enough industry experience to get me where I want to be. Along with industry links and contacts which is extremely valuable. 

I wanted to study up north and Leeds seemed like a good choice. I heard a lot about the area and it sounded positive.

  • Identify and explain 5 things that you want to learn during your time on the programme.
I want to learn web design. If I could design a website with some basic function I think it would be a good start.

I want to learn how to promote and create a brand for myself. I am interested in branding and identity. To be in the creative industry I think its pretty crucial that you come across the right way.

I want to learn how professional printers work for example hot foiling. I want to be able to talk about print confidently and have some printing methods under my belt.

I want to improve my illustration skills. I think its useful to be able to quickly sketch ideas.

I want to learn the business side of Graphic Design and also how to properly talk to clients. Even if you have the skills you need to learn how to manage yourself as a businessman.

  • Identify and explain 5 skills that you think are your strengths.
 I think I generally have good ideas which are ambitious. I am always trying new things and experimenting constantly. This is important as a creative as you have to be a head of the game to be a pioneer.

I can work well in a team. This is important as collaborations may be part of my career. Good working relationships help create good design. 

I am hard working. I always make an effort. This is important for obvious reasons.

I think I am practical also. It sounds stupid but I would note common sense as a skill I own. I am an independent person.

I am reasonably fluent on the Adobe suite. This is practical when working digitally.

  • Identify and explain 5 things that you want to improve.
I want to improve my grid and layout skills. I want to be able to figure out compositions fast and effectively .

I want to improve my graphic for web. Understanding what makes a good website and what doesn't.

I want to improve my confidence when it comes to presenting my work. I feel I have made a lot of progress since last year but it could definitely be better. This is an important skill to have and will make a lot of difference in industry.

I want to improve my design sheets. Last year I felt it was a struggle to produce enough designs. I want to make sure I have fully explored my ideas.

I want to expand my typography terminology. This will be important in the industry. I don't want to sound like I don't know what I'm talking about... So maybe just general typography skills too.

  • Identify and explain 5 ways that you will evaluate your progress.
I will look over my blog and compare my current work to previous work. This will highlight my improvements. 

I will take part in group crits and receive feedback from my peers. This is important as it will allow me to improve my work before hand ins. 

I will respond to any feedback I got from networking. If people show interesting I will try and understand why and the same goes for negative responses.

I guess when we receive grades back this will show progress and also highlight areas I can improve. 

I will evaluate other peers and by doing this I think it will allow me to see what I could be doing or whats not working.

  • Identify 5 questions that you want to find the answer to.
How do you properly address working professional when you have a query for example. I want to make sure I am using the right language when making contact with others in the creative industry.

How much can I expect as a salary after graduating. If any! Money is a motivation. Designer gotta' eat.

How do you get into the industry and start working professionally, whats the best method?

Is there opportunity to work internationally. I would like to live somewhere else; change of lifestyle.

What other considerations are their apart from simply designing are there when you are a freelance designer.

  • Identify and explain 5 things that inspire you.
Film. I love watching films; from the cinematography to narratives and characters influence me quote easily. 

Environment. Its not hard to be influence and inspired by people you find interesting and respect.

Friends and family. Everyone I'm around are supportive and want me to succeed. This is inspiring and gives you motivation.

Food. Love eating, especially when you've worked up a good hunger from blogging!

Working Graphic Designers. When you see the standard of work out there you aspire to have the same set of skills and finish they all have even when sometimes you might feel a bit jealous. I think this is a normal process.

  • Identify 10 examples of design that illustrate your fields of creative interest. 

I love Zach Shuta. Love. He might be the logo king. This vintage style of logo floats my boat. I know this style isn't a new trend but its still great I think.

Keith Davis -
Some cool stuff on there; like the minimalist vintage style. Especially into the screen printed stuff. Screen print is something I want to explore again this year.



"Oat is a design studio, focused on the value of creating a strong brand image. We capture the essence of a consumer experience through art direction, graphic design, photography, illustration and web technology. It is a studio where staying small keeps us efficient and intimate with every project. "
Rory Keohane
Jennifer Lucey-Brzoza 

Just got a little spot for branding.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Simon + Lorraine's Lists

To get us back into the graphic spirit we started as we did last year making list and re-confirming why we are here.